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From Setbacks to the Stage: My Transformation into a Keynote Speaker

Updated: Aug 24

My first-ever keynote speech

I gave my first keynote speech in 2021 at the then brand-new OYM in Cham, shortly after the opening of Switzerland's first all-science-based sports center. I gave a presentation for all Intersport partners in Switzerland, in front of an audience of more than 100 people. Janine Geigle, my manager at the time, asked me if I would like to give a presentation. She had heard my previous interviews and thought I could do a good job. Shortly beforehand, I had written a thesis for my economics degree on Generation Z, researched it and also told Janine about it. So she asked me if I would like to put together a keynote presentation on Generation Z. My first reaction was: “A keynote speech? Me? About Generation Z?” At the time, I had no experience in public speaking. But it sounded like an exciting challenge and I was still in the preparation phase of getting back into a new competition season after a long injury break.

The kick-off

So I began to work intensively on preparing the presentation, recording what I had researched and packaging it into stories. What makes Gen Z think and how can we reach them better as customers? In the end, I stood in front of over 100 people and gave a 20-minute presentation. My nervousness was there, especially before the presentation, with all the people and the wiring of the microphone. It felt like delivering before an important competition when it counts. As soon as I stood on stage and gave the introduction, I got into the flow state. It was easy for me as I had practiced the speech well enough. The audience applauded, and I even got paid for it - a fair introduction to a new world, with a few challenges, but still incredibly enjoyable.

The balance to life as a top athlete

After this successful first presentation, I decided to give presentations more often. It was a brilliant counterbalance to snowboarding in the halfpipe. I was able to talk about something I had experience of and at the same time work in a completely different field. I was fascinated by creativity and the ability to give interesting presentations. But above all, it's the practicing of the presentation, the deadline and then the delivery when I present. Even today, it gives me the same feeling as a competition when I know that I only have one opportunity and that I have to deliver it in the best possible way.

A new presentation topic: resilience

My next presentation was booked by a real estate management company on the topic of resilience. The real estate company chose me because they knew my story - quick successes, many setbacks due to injuries, and yet I made it back into the “Champions League” of the halfpipe. It was a new challenge for me. I was allowed to build a new speech, which I wanted to tell primarily to myself, so that I would really follow the path I was talking about, with the confidence that it would shape me for my future path. I practiced my story with various speaking and presentation coaches, including Janine Geigele and Stefan Lendi. I wanted to make sure it was right. I realized how important preparation is and how it contributes to a confident performance. It was also a new topic that is very close to my heart, as I spend a lot of time trying to get back faster and better and optimize myself to exceed my own baselines and achieve my goals in the sport.

The current highlight: performing in the established Circus Knie on Sechseläutenplatz in Zurich, 2024

Just a month ago, I gave a presentation at the Knie Circus in Zurich. This is a very special place for many people in Zurich. Even as a young kid I was allowed to marvel at the elephants and clowns, and now I even got to perform on the arena myself and give a talk to an international audience of 200 young leaders! The topic was “Lead Yourself”, a talk on self-management for new leaders in larger organizations. I shared my personal experiences about dealing with defeat and finding a loving leadership style for yourself. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Who would have thought that my snowboarding experiences would be so well received and that the audience would all find themselves in this freestyle lifestyle? After my presentation, I was invited to the Knie evening show with the association and at the Apéro I was able to ask a few questions to the managers and members of the audience. The exchange afterwards was

Workshops für Führungskräfte und Keynotes

Mittlerweile halte ich nicht nur Referate, sondern auch Workshops für Führungskräfte. Diese Workshops basieren auf meinen Erfahrungen im Profisport und zielen darauf ab, Höchstleistung im Beruf abzurufen. Die interaktiven Sessions sind besonders für kleine Teams wertvoll, wo gemeinsam nach konkreten Lösungen für die Unternehmung gesucht wird. Ich bin primär da zur Einführung, Moderation und anschliessender gemeinsamer Auswertung. Ein weiterer populärer Workshop dreht sich um die Integration der Generation Z ins Arbeitsumfeld. Diese Workshops sind bereits bei Versicherungen und Banken gefragt, und die Herausforderungen der Teilnehmer ähneln oft meinen eigenen als Spitzelnsportler dieser Generation.

Listing on agency platforms

In the end, I was listed on platforms such as Premium Speakers. This shows me that I am on the right track and motivates me to continue investing energy and effort in my presentations and the associated coaching for storytelling and speaking. I see every conversation and every new acquaintance as an opportunity to learn something and develop myself further.

My realization

Looking back, I am grateful for the changes and challenges that have made me a more conscious and inspiring person. The step into public speaking has not only opened up new professional perspectives for me, but has also strengthened my personality. It's a path where I can reflect on myself and take something away with me as a person every time. I think I've found a passion that takes me away from only identifying as “the freestyle snowboarder” and allows me to develop with a strong learning curve constantly. In the future, it will also be a good activity that gives me the space and distance to take a break from snowboarding so that I can then pursue my great passion, snowboarding, again with increased focus and motivation.

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